Sunday, March 31, 2013

Day Two Hundred Eleven

Happy Easter everybody!

Day Two Hundred Ten

Out for a long walk in his carriage.

Day Two Hundred Nine

Cousin Ben and family came to visit today. The kids are looking at the camera. The older ones are watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Go figure.

Day Two Hundred Eight

Megan feeding the little guy.

Day Two Hundred Seven

Naked baby with a blanket!

Day Two Hundred Six

It's bedtime. Apparently he didn't get the memo.

Day Two Hundred Five

Where are we going?

Day Two Hundred Four

Crinkly Paper!

Day Two Hundred Three

I don't even know. I have even more questions about what happens when I'm at work on the weekends.

Day Two Hundred Two

Little man is helping with the laundry!

Day Two Hundred One

I was trying to feed him lunch but he was more interested in his feet.

Day Two Hundred

Little man is excited to have a train on his shirt!

Day One Hundred Ninety Nine

Sentenced to baby jail for the next three to six months!

Day One Hundred Ninety Four

Playing with Mommy!

Day One Hundred Ninety Eight

Jumperoo time!

Day One Hundred Ninety Six

St. Patrick's Day party!

Day One Hundred Ninety Seven

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Day One Hundred Ninety Five

St. Patty's PJ's a couple days early.

Day One Hundred Ninety Three

Gimme some food!

Day One Hundred Ninety Two

Packed up to go out!

Day One Hundred Ninety One

We haven't made it to stacking the rings. They seem to taste good, though.

Day One Hundred Ninety

This one is for Grammy & Grampy

Day One Hundred Eighty Nine

Are they taking him to a jazz club? I have questions about what happens when I'm at work on the weekends.

Day One Hundred Eighty Eight

There is nothing quite as much fun as the paper on the exam table at the Doctor's office!

Day One Hundred Eighty Seven

Good Morning!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Day One Hundred Eighty Two

I might be projecting here but I think this face says "Mommy & Daddy left me alone with these crazy girls! Now I'm stuck watching a stupid movie about sparkly vampires. Somebody please help me!"

Friday, March 1, 2013

Day One Hundred Eighty One

Six months old today! Just a quiet day at home & neither of us ever got out of our PJs. Here he is like somebody said "on your mark, get ready" but never said "go". He just looks like he's about to start crawling.