Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day One Hundred Fifty

After weeks of trying he's finally found out how those things at the end of his legs taste.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Day One Hundred Forty Six

Let me get my ball!

Day One Hundred Forty Five

Sleeping soundly in our favorite moose PJ's

Day One Hundred Forty Four

There is a lot of blue here.

Day One Hundred Forty Three

I'm sure this is going to be the look on his face when he's up to no good when Ryan gets older.

Day One Hundred Forty Two

Here he is again with Boris! If you go back a ways you can find when Ryan was only a little bigger than the monster here and here!

Day One Hundred Forty One

Gettin' messy with his dinner!

Day One Hundred Forty

Hi There!

Day One Hundred Thirty Nine

We call this his "Cookie Monster Suit". He loves snuggling into this snow suit. Thanks Grammy & Grampy!

Day One Hundred Thirty Eight

Bath Time again! This time we're in our new bath seat.

Day One Hundred Thirty Seven

At the mall with Auntie Amanda!

Day One Hundred Thirty Six

This is one of the first outfits we bought Ryan before he arrived. We waited a long time to finally get him into it. How's he look?

Day One Hundred Thirty Five

Ready for his close up!

Day One Hundred Thirty Four

Go Pats!

Day One Hundred Thirty Three

Where's the Baby?

Day One Hundred Thirty Two

Sing with me - Rubber Ducky you're the one.....